Parenting: Navigating in the Eye of the Storm
The number of mothers and children exiting their countries in the Ukraine Crisis is overwhelming. According to the United Nations Children's Fund, "roughly half of the children in Ukraine have fled their homes since Russia's invasion." Those who remain are experiencing extreme anxiety related to the uncertainties of living in a war zone. As parents, the natural instinct is to protect and shield your children from uncertainty, yet the capacity to offer this protection is severely diminished when parents are as distraught as their children.
How to address this tough situation is the subject of this expert panel. This recorded discussion with counseling specialists shares how to help your children deal with intense feelings surrounding the effects of war when you are equally traumatized. Panel members are practiced professionals with experience in trauma, family counseling, parenting, and child development. The panel discussion will focus on
- The impact of forced relocation on the family
- How to "keep it together" when you are at the breaking point
- How young people show signs of distress at different ages
- Helping young people understand acts of violence
- Ways to help manage stress, anxiety, anger, and fatigue
- How to get additional help
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