Coronavirus: Minimizing the Impact & Building Psychological Immunity
This seminar was presented for an audience in the Asia Pacific region, but it contains tips that may be helpful to anyone. It is made up of two parts: The first gives some medical background on COVID-19. The second segment focuses on ways you can increase your resilience during this time:
- Part 1 (20 minutes, guest webinar segment from ISOS)—2019-Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Minimizing Threat & Impact The introductory guest segment of this webinar is hosted by International SOS (ISOS) Medical Director Dr. Dominique Eggermont, and the Security Director of Asia Pacific Region ISOS Aditya Luthra. They present some medical information on the disease as was known at the time of presentation (February 17, 2020). Please note that some of this information may no longer be up-to-date.
- Part 2 (40 minutes, main presentation)—Build Psychological Immunity During the Coronavirus Outbreak No one could have imagined the sudden outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia. These customized online sessions, "Build Psychological Immunity During the Coronavirus Outbreak," focus on ways you can increase your resilience. The seminar identifies and acknowledges the emotions you may be experiencing, and offers practical suggestions for coping:
- Understand the stress response during the outbreak.
- Learn ways to increase your psychological immunity.
- Discover practical strategies to help cope.
- Consider organizational sensitivity to the impact of the outbreak.
- Learn what resources are available for support.
2019-Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Minimizing Threat & Impact (followed by)
Building Psychological Immunity During the Coronavirus Outbreak
- Please click on this link to listen to the recording of this online seminar: Link opens in a new window
- Link opens in a new windowClick on this promotional flyer (PDF) for more about this special online seminar.
Please note that a completion certificate is not provided for this Online Seminar.
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