Visualization Practice Exercise
"Morning at the Lake"
Take the next few moments for yourself. Use this time to relax and recover from the busyness of your day. Begin by finding a comfortable position either sitting or lying down. Allow your body to relax, and become aware of your breath.
Let's begin.
Close your eyes or move them to a soft gaze, whichever feels right to you. Imagine it is early morning and you are standing on the dock at the lake. Everything is quite still and peaceful. You breathe in the fresh air, and fill your lungs completely by breathing in – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; holding – 1, 2; and breathing out – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Take another breath in through your nose, hold, and breathe out completely, letting your body relax with each cycle.
It is a cool and comfortable morning, full of possibilities. The sun is just rising and filtering through the leaves of the trees surrounding the lake. You look out at the water, and it is like glass . . . so still . . . and quiet.
Your body relaxes more as you take in the beauty of the lake . . . the water, the trees, the sounds. You hear birds in the distance.
You feel relaxed and calm in this place. Take a moment to picture this scene. Notice the details of nature around you . . . (Pause) . . . breathing in, breathing out. You feel the gentle breeze blow across your shoulders. (Pause) Gently stretch if this feels right.
Know that you can visit this place in your mind whenever you need a quick refreshing time, but for now come back to the present moment. Slowly count back from 3 as you become more fully aware of right here, right now: Notice your natural breath in and out.
This concludes your practice for today.
Workplace Options AWARE & Schuette, B. (Ed.). (Reviewed 2024). Visualization. Raleigh, NC: Author.
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