Intercountry Adoption: Convention Countries
The following countries are parties to the Hague Adoption Convention and are referred to as Convention countries. Intercountry adoptions between the United States and Convention countries must follow Hague adoption procedures.
Countries absent from the list are not party to the Hague Adoption Convention. These countries are referred to as non-Convention countries. Intercountry adoptions between the United States and countries not listed below must follow non-Hague adoption procedures.
The United States is not currently processing new adoptions with countries in bold.
Convention Countries | |||
Albania | Cyprus | Kenya | Poland |
Andorra | Czech Republic | Latvia | Portugal |
Armenia | Denmark | Lesotho | Romania |
Australia | Dominican Republic | Liechtenstein | Rwanda |
Austria | Ecuador | Lithuania | San Marino |
Azerbaijan | El Salvador | Luxembourg | Senegal |
Belarus | Estonia | Macedonia | Serbia |
Belgium | Fiji | Madagascar | Seychelles |
Belize | Finland | Mali | Slovakia |
Bolivia | France | Malta | Slovenia |
Brazil | Georgia | Mauritius | South Africa |
Bulgaria | Germany | Mexico | Spain |
Burkina Faso | Greece | Moldova | Sri Lanka |
Burundi | Guatemala | Monaco | Swaziland |
Cambodia | Guinea | Mongolia | Sweden |
Canada | Haiti | Montenegro | Switzerland |
Cape Verde | Hungary | Netherlands | Thailand |
Chile | Iceland | New Zealand | Togo |
China (and Hong Kong) | India | Norway | Turkey |
Colombia | Ireland | Panama | United Kingdom |
Costa Rica | Israel | Paraguay | Uruguay |
Croatia | Italy | Peru | Venezuela |
Cuba | Kazakhstan | Philippines | Vietnam |
U.S. Department of State. (n.d.). Convention countries. Retrieved March 5, 2015, from